castleman disease
Medical Definition
Large benign, hyperplastic lymph nodes. the more common hyaline vascular subtype is characterized by small hyaline vascular follicles and interfollicular capillary proliferations. plasma cells are often present and represent another subtype with the plasma cells containing igm and immunoglobulin a.
Wikipedia Summary
Castleman disease (CD) describes a group of rare lymphoproliferative disorders that involve enlarged lymph nodes, and a broad range of inflammatory symptoms and laboratory abnormalities. Whether Castleman disease should be considered an autoimmune disease, cancer, or infectious disease is currently unknown.
Castleman disease includes at least three distinct subtypes: unicentric Castleman disease (UCD), human herpesvirus 8 associated multicentric Castleman disease (HHV-8-associated MCD), and idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (iMCD)...
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